Walking tour of TOKYO: ASAKUSA, NEZU shrine, UENO market & shopping streets | JAPAN ASMR

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2WEkOYYyBQ In today's episode of the Japan walking tour we will walk around the Asakusa area, wander through the Ueno street market area, and the Nezu shrine area. Come say…

Continua a leggereWalking tour of TOKYO: ASAKUSA, NEZU shrine, UENO market & shopping streets | JAPAN ASMR

Walk with us in KYOTO, JAPAN! The Most Beautiful Streets | Kinkakuji, Nijo Castle, Nishiki Market

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1LO-n8ja9c Come walk with us in Kyoto! On this virtual tour we'll guide you to some of the most beautiful locations in Japan: Kinkakuji temple, Nijo castle and Nishiki market…

Continua a leggereWalk with us in KYOTO, JAPAN! The Most Beautiful Streets | Kinkakuji, Nijo Castle, Nishiki Market

Kira, la nostra LABRADOR RETRIEVER – In giro con questo bellissimo cane!

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn6xlyz4vfg Kira è una Labrador Retriever, questa razza canina è, senza dubbio, una delle più apprezzate e amate in tutto il mondo, sia per la sua bellezza, la notevole intelligenza,…

Continua a leggereKira, la nostra LABRADOR RETRIEVER – In giro con questo bellissimo cane!